pytd62 documentation » common


rotx(theta: float) -> numpy.ndarray

This function returns a rotation matrix around the X axis.

parameter type description
theta float Rotation angle around the X axis [rad]
$$ \mathrm{rotx}(\theta) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 1.0 & 0.0 & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & \cos \theta & -\sin \theta \\ 0.0 & \sin \theta & \cos \theta \end{array} \right) $$

roty(theta: float) -> numpy.ndarray

This function returns a rotation matrix around the Y axis.

parameter type description
theta float Rotation angle around the Y axis [rad]
$$ \mathrm{roty}(\theta) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} \cos \theta & 0.0 & \sin \theta \\ 0.0 & 1.0 & 0.0 \\ -\sin \theta & 0.0 & \cos \theta \end{array} \right) $$

rotz(theta: float) -> numpy.ndarray

This function returns a rotation matrix around the Z axis.

parameter type description
theta float Rotation angle around the Z axis [rad]
$$ \mathrm{rotz}(\theta) = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} \cos \theta & -\sin \theta & 0.0 \\ \sin \theta & \cos \theta & 0.0 \\ 0.0 & 0.0 & 1.0 \end{array} \right) $$

rotate_base_euler(ang1, ang2, ang3, order='ZYX', base=numpy.eye(3)) -> numpy.ndarray

This function converts the base vectors by the Euler angles, and returns the converted base vectors as a 3 × 3 numpy.ndarray.

parameter type description
ang1 float First rotation angle [rad]
ang2 float Second rotation angle [rad]
ang3 float Third rotation angle [rad]
order = 'ZYX' str The order of rotations. By default, 'ZYX' (which means firstly rotate around the Z axis, secondly rotate around the local Y axis and thirdly rotate around the local X axis) is selected.
The following 12 cases available (there are 3 × 3 × 3 combinations, but rotating two/three times in the same direction in series does not make sense): 'XYX', 'XYZ', 'XZX', 'XZY', 'YXY', 'YXZ', 'YZX', 'YZY', 'ZXY', 'ZXZ', 'ZYX', 'ZYZ'.
base=numpy.eye(3) numpy.ndarray The original base vectors. X axis is the first colum, Y axis is the second column, and Z axis is the third column. The default value is a 3 × 3 unit matrix.

get_number_of_nodes(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop, submodel_name: str='') -> int

This function returns the number of nodes. By default, it returns the number of nodes of the entire model. If 'submodel_name' is given, it returns the number of nodes of the specified submodel.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance
submodel_name = '' str Name of the submodel

get_submodel_nodes(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop, submodel_name: str) -> list

This function returns the specified submodel node instances as a list.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance
submodel_name str Name of the submodel

renumber_submodel_nodes(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop, submodel_name: str)

This function performs renumbering of the node IDs within the specified submodel.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance
submodel_name str Name of the submodel

merge_submodel_nodes(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop, submodel_name: str, tolerance: float=0.1e-3)

With this function, nodes which are closer than 'tolerance' will be merged within the specified submodel.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance
submodel_name str Name of the submodel
tolerance = 0.1e-3 float Tolerance for merging nodes

delete_contactors(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop)

All the contactors will be deleted.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance

delete_contactors(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop)

All the conductors will be deleted.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance

delete_heaters(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop)

All the heaters will be deleted.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance

delete_heatloads(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop)

All the heatloads will be deleted.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance

create_contactor(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop)

Rectangle Disk Cylinder Cone Torus ScarfedCylinder Sphere Polygon
0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face 0: Edges 1: Face
Along Y at X=0 Top Not Used Top Start Angle Out Start Angle Out Start Angle Large Out Start Angle Out Start Angle Out Edge 0 Top
Along X at Ymax Bottom Max Radius Bottom Max Height In Max Height In Start Angle Small In Max Height In Max Height In Edge 1 In
Along Y at Xmax Not Used End Angle End Angle End Angle Large End Angle End Angle Edge 2
Along X at Y=0 Min Radius Base Base End Angle Small Base Min Height Edge 3

SolidBrick SolidCylinder SolidSphere
1: Face 1: Face 1: Face

screenshot(td: OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop, name: str, view: str='', style: str='XRAY', imageformat: str='png', width: int=0, height: int=0)

With this function, a screenshot can be taken with the specified perspective, style, image format, and size.

parameter type description
td OpenTDv62.ThermalDesktop Thermal Desktop instance
name str Name for the image file
view = '' str Available perspectives: ‘SW’, ‘SE’, ‘NE’, ‘NW’, ‘TOP’, ‘BOTTOM’, ‘FRONT’, ‘BACK’, ‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’. If the given parameter does not match with the available perspectives, the current perspective on the screen will be used for the screenshot.
style = '' str Available model styles: ‘WIRE_2D’, ‘WIRE’, ‘CONCEPTUAL’, ‘HIDDEN’, ‘REALISTIC’, ‘SHADED’, ‘SHADED_W_EDGES’, ‘SHADES_OF_GREY’, ‘SKETCHY’, ‘THERMAL’, ‘THERMAL_PP’, ‘XRAY’. If the given parameter does not match with the available model styles, the current model style on the screen will be used for the screenshot.
imageformat str Available image format: ‘bmp’, ‘emf’, ‘exif’, ‘gif’, ‘icon’, ‘jpeg’, ‘png’, ‘tiff’, ‘wmf’. If the given parameter does not match with the available format, a png image will be generated as default.
width = 0 int Width pixel for trimming. If this parameter is larger than 0 and smaller than the original screenshot width, then the image is trimmed to the specified width. The default value is 0, which means no trimming.
height = 0 int Height pixel for trimming. If this parameter is larger than 0 and smaller than the original screenshot height, then the image is trimmed to the specified height. The default value is 0, which means no trimming.